January 23, 2018


Below is a short list of things in my life I desperately need to get organized. Please keep in mind, organization is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. These are not activities I can organize once, like a spice rack. These are ‘making-the-bed’ type organization things. In my opinion, they need to be focused on for a few minutes each day. Otherwise, you might find yourself awake at 5 AM, locked in the following triptych thought pattern:

First, frantic with concern over where you put your Spanish homework. Then, frantic with concern about the ridiculousness of this query bouncing around in the mind of a woman in her thirties. Third, googling ‘memory loss symptoms diseases woman thirties’.

The point is, it’s important to stay organized. My primary concerns below.

Organization concerns

1.  My sleep schedule. 
I don’t think it still counts as jetlag two weeks after a vacation.  I’ve been up since 4 AM.  Help!

2.  My Spanish notebook. 
According to my (multiple) Spanish tutors, it’s important to understand when to use por versus para in both conversation and writing.  Le sigh.  Que pena.

3.  My Google Drive. 
Seriously, it’s like the junk drawer of my internet.  Actual file names include:

File_000.mov (There are actually four of these. All different files.)

4.  My water consumption. 
I like to pretend I’m a camel for days at a time and then blame debilitating dehydration headaches on possible brain tumors while I casually salt my pizza.
If I boil pasta in water, though…that’s got to count for something? (see below)

5.  My pasta consumption. 

Unrelated question:

Is it seriously only Tuesday?  Calming photo of Mallorcan Great Route 221 below.


Banner Photo Credit: Photo by Rune Enstad


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