March 22, 2020

Lent During Coronavirus Quarantine

Lent and quarantine have three important things in common. First, the root word for both comes from the Latin quadragesima (translated into modern English as ‘forty’). For Lent, this signifies the forty days before Easter. In the case of a quarantine, quadragesima (or quarantino in Italian) represented the forty days passengers were kept in isolation at Mediterranean ports during the era of the bubonic plague. Historically, we consider this to be the first period of quarantine. Though isolation time now varies, the name remains the same. Second, they are activities completed with a degree of loneliness. Quarantine requires a certain measure of solitude. Despite the boom in online communication, the…

March 15, 2020

Coronavirus in Madrid: Updates and Advice

empty steet

Coronavirus has officially arrived in Madrid. As recently as last week, I watched news of the unfolding pandemic with shockingly limited perception. I listened when friends explained the long-lasting effects on the economy and the importance of social distancing. But the phenomenon still felt far away. I scheduled yoga classes. I visited museums, worried about my book edits and generally went on about my life. That’s crazy about everything happening in Italy, I would think when I browsed through Instagram. I agreed that the phenomenon certainly seemed serious. But, even as the streets in Madrid grew quieter, it seemed serious somewhere else. Somehow, the idea that the same measures would…