September 6, 2014

Happiness is…

Hi readers,   For what it’s worth, I’ve had a challenging month.  I packed my life up into some suitcases, moved to a new country where I don’t speak the language, found a new apartment and started a new job.  The changes have left my head spinning at the end of most days and given a new depth to those all-important 3 little words: emotional roller coaster. I am generally a very happy person.  This month has tested my ability to stay happy in the face of massive, decisive life changes. I have never been so uncertain about my direction, my ability to succeed and the general strength of my…

September 3, 2014

New Job Anxiety and How to Overcome It

people computer table

New things are scary. Just think about the last time you moved or switched hair stylists or the first hipster outfit you bought…scary scary scary.    But at the top of the scary list for any fearless, fabulous, modern woman is starting a new job. Let’s talk about new job anxiety and how to overcome it. Because to have an exciting life, you need to grab scary for a high school make-out session and live out of your comfort zone. A new job is the ultimate scary/exciting experience By definition you must put your comfortable, fuzzy-blanket past behind you, step on some professional stiletto-clad toes, and unequivocally start over. There…

September 1, 2014

Seeking a Purpose

madrid building sky

Lately, I have been pondering the importance of seeking a purpose. It started because I was considering my blog. I realized I have felt a little lost lately because my writing here has lacked purpose.  I don’t know who I want my audience to be or why I want them to read.  Thoughts about ex-boyfriends?  Advice on the larger purpose of life?  Useful topographic maps of major international department stores?  It’s just so hard to whittle down a focus!!   Thankfully, the internet exists to help answer such questions.  I checked out The Mimialists “How to Start a Successful Blog” and felt immediately inspired and rejuvenated. After several page redirects…

August 24, 2014

How to Practice Self-Reflection

August brings up a lot of thoughts about how to practice self-reflection. Here’s why: the other activity options are terrible.  1. Gazing at my gelato-cellulite dappled pale thighs in the sunlight.  2. Sweating profusely into my flip flops.   3. Squinting adorably in the bright, burning sunlight.  In contrast to these practices, learning how to practice self-reflection sounds great. To make it more appealing, self-reflection can be completed in air-conditioned rooms.  Hence my month of deep and mindful thinking. The Practice of Self-Reflection Here’s the thing about self-reflection-its difficult.  If done correctly it’s an intense, creative process akin to art or music.  (I suck at art and music.)  It’s time…

March 6, 2014

Beautiful Flowers, Rarely Seen

Hi reader, It’s time for some pictures of beautiful flowers because, let’s be honest:  So far, March sucks. It’s freezing in New York, monsooning in LA, taxes are due in April and all any girl has to look forward to is 3 weeks of dry skin, peeling nails and the weird jet lag feeling associated with the spring time change. Total drag. In case you weren’t smart and forward-thinking enough to book some time in the tropics (or least the Carolinas…) here are some beautiful flower pictures I received from my dear friend Tatiana, who runs the always fabulous Tatiana’s Health and Wellness, to get you through your day. Enjoy!…

January 18, 2014

L’Eliser d’Amore (Elixir of Love)

Lincoln Center Subway Station

Hi reader, Last night I saw the Metropolitan Opera production of Donzetti’s Elixir of Love.  Written in the 1831, the story centers around the quest of Nemorino, a young village guy in rural Italy, as she tries to win the heart of Adina, a successful farm owner.  While Adina is busy falling for an obnoxious, self-important army general, a traveling salesman passes through town peddling… guessed it….a magical Elixir of Love. Nemorino purchases the elixir at a premium and tragedy, confusion and comedy follow, ultimately concluding in happiness. Now I know that passion for opera is not what it used to be and I probably lost most of you at…

January 5, 2014

Dance Party

Dance Party

Just for fun let’s come up with a quick list of activities that are relevant on cold, disgusting, sleet-filled Sunday afternoons:   1.  Binge-watch reality television2.  Photoshop animal heads on human bodies and post online3.  Make large quantities of borscht4.  Organize sock drawer alphabetically according to color5.  DANCE PARTY So, while these are all totally excellent options, obviously (as indicated by the cap-lock) I feel a particular affinity for option 5. Why, you ask?  Several reasons– Why Dance Parties are the Best First of all, reality tv turns your brain into shallow, consumerist mush.  Turn off your f***ing tv.  Seriously.  Second, making borscht turns your hands red.  Third, I already…

January 3, 2014


Feelings on Social Media

So I had a big pause in my social media usage this summer and fall for a ‘not fabulous’ reason. Its funny how going through a break-up can make you so much less interested in what your friends ate for breakfast/saw at the museum/did with their husbands and children. Honestly, I really enjoyed my time away the screen(s).  Even as I’m taking my slow victory lap return to social media outlets, I still can’t quite deal with the way people think they know each other because of things they see posted on Facebook, etc. To clarify: someone you have never met before in your life, who you follow on Twitter,…

January 2, 2014

2014: Year of Bliss

Shoes are fabulous

Already, not even 20 hours into the new year, I find I am struggling with how to make 2014 my year of bliss. Going out to mimosa brunch and discussing (loudly, in front if small children) how to make the year suck less d*** than 2013 led to some revelations on my part.  I think bliss, much like fabulousness, is a simple question of attitude. In order to have a wonderful year, I need to put on my best heels, smile and get ready to boogie down. When life gets in the way of my fabulous, high-heeled dance party, I need to fall back on my bliss strategies.  What bliss…