May 1, 2019

What Next?

tennis ball

Happy May! Spring is in the air and it’s a great time to ask the all-important questions: What next? The question provokes a change in mindset. It’s a perspective I’ve been adapting mostly due to my fancy, new, goal-oriented planner. My planner (which I love-buy one here!) has pages for reflection scattered throughout. Two questions that inspire ‘What next?’ reflections Are you continuing to progress, redirect, or facing unexpected challenges? What were your most significant accomplishments in the last thirty days? The bulk of what I wrote about for April centered around an activity called Camp NaNoWriMo. There is lots of great information about the event available here, but for…

April 16, 2018

Monday for Sale

At this point in the year, I’m usually ready to put up Monday for sale. When I started working my first full time job, I loved the idea of a Monday morning. It was a fresh chance to start a new week as a responsible adult. This may have been because I came to the weekday 9-to-5 later than most. First, I spent years in school working afternoon shifts. That part felt normal. But then, I spent years after college graduation in seasonal, ski-industry work. Saturdays and holidays were my on-call times. When I switched to a normal schedule, getting up on a Monday morning felt great. Fast forward to…

December 30, 2013

The Choice of Fabulous

Hi reader, Fabulous is a choice. It is a lifestyle and an outlook on the world that spreads through the years like butter Nutella Smart Balance on warm bread.  Fabulous is a superpower.  It infuses negative situations with sunshine and happiness. Read the two passages below with their descriptions: 1.  I just turned 30.  I’m single (recently went through a heart-breaking devastation of a break-up and now don’t know if I will ever get married, procreate, etc, thanks for asking).  I live in New York City.  I’m a teacher at a high needs public high school. It’s difficult and exhausting.  I worry endlessly about my students and whether they have enough…