Mindfulness has been a trending topic in education lately. Like all trending topics in education, the popularity has led to much sarcastic skepticism about what it really means to be “mindful”. There are lots of super fun internet searches involved in this! Someone with a reasonably sarcastic sense of humor (me, my boyfriend, the majority of people I choose to spend time with) can have a ton of fun debating the merits of quotes like “Mindfulness is the opposite of mindlessness” and “Spending time on purpose”. But seriously, I sort of get it. It is about being present in the moment. That’s important. It involves lots of deep breathing. I…
The Little Things in Life
Gummy vitamins fit squarely into the category of ‘The Little Things In Life’. That doesn’t change the fact I’ve been obsessed with them for the past thirty days. It all started at Christmas, when I made my semi-annual pilgrimage to CVS. There is simply no equivalent to a CVS/Target/WalMart in Spain, or really in Europe for that matter. Usually, I don’t mind. I do understand that CVS is full of moderately useless crap. There is no need for 17 different kinds of band-aids, or an aisle for toothbrushes or 32 shades of red lipstick. However…. I find a meditative peace in wondering through the vitamin aisle. I enjoy considering what…
The Value of Time
This morning I photocopied 27 pages out of The Big Thirst by Charles Fishman. The book is a study of current worldwide water use practices and includes some fascinating and terrifying observations observations about the general human attitudes towards water consumption. I want to read it with my IB Environmental Science class in some vague hope that the students will grow up understanding that water consumption is an important issue and problem in their lives. I believe it will be a very worthwhile activity. However, it took 25 minutes to make the photocopies. It got me started thinking about the value of time. Today, I chose to spend those 25…
Sober January
This year for my New Year’s resolution, I’m bounding towards sober January like a runaway train. I know, I know. I make weird New Year’s Resolutions. For example, last year my resolution was to learn how to do a flying ninja kick. For training in preparation for this arduous task, I completed a half marathon. I never did the ninja kick. In 2013, my New Year’s resolution was to go on a date. It resulted, in a roundabout way, in the nascent entries of this blog. This year, I made my New Year’s resolution in July (The thing about the X Files was sort of joke–but I will definitely watch all…
Charlie Hebado
It’s hard to believe it has been a year since the Charlie Hebado shootings in Paris. Looking back, it feels like the shooting was the beginning of a hectic, shocking year of world events. Find a short list below. (You classy, academic types can read the all about it on The Atlantic website). Important 2015 Wold Events SpaceX Lands Rocket Successfully Makes Reuse Possible. (12-22-2015, 10 Records)Climate Change Deal Reached by about 200 Countries. (12-13-2015, 23 Records)Paris terrorist attack, hundreds dead. (11-13-2015, 35 Records)Russian passenger plane crashed in Sinai. (10-30-2015, 22 Records)Russia intervenes Syria civil war. (10-01-2015, 55 Records)Flowing liquid water found on Mars. (09-25-2015, 12 Records)Migrant crisis of Europe. (08-30-2015, 114 Records)Earthquake 7.9 Magnitude hits Nepal. (04-24-2015,…
What Defines You?
On Sundays I enjoy doing nothing. Walks, lunch, pedicures. Pondering serious life questions like this one: What defines you? In this view, I’ve recently branched out Sunday “nothing” to include watching documentary films on iTunes. In this vein, during the latest quest of nothing I discovered Lizzie Velasquez. She’s 26 and weighs 64 pounds due to a rare congenital disease. She gave a TED Talk in 2013 about a YouTube video labeling her “The World’s Ugliest Girl”, which went viral complete with thousands of comments from strangers demanding that she kill herself. In her TED Talk, she said when she considered how to deal with the video, she asked herself…
Appropriate Use of a Cell Phone: A History
I think often about appropriate use of my cell phone. The topic seemed especially poignant when I switched over to an iPhone, a heart-breaking technological change in 2012. (Yes, I realize this was roughly five years after everyone else.) The switch to iPhone My beloved Droid 3 had finally broken beyond repair. I strolled to the Verizon store on 3rd Avenue, convincing myself that change was good. The panic welling was the same as when I was five and my parents would decide to “upgrade” our refrigerator. I still have an old-dog eared picture of my tearful, scraggly five-year-old self next to my cherished, ancient refrigerator during our lengthy…
Hope for a Monday
I’m constantly searching for news that will give me hope for a Monday. Lately, I’ve found it in the posts on “Wait But Why?”. It’s changing my life. The latest series of articles (on Tesla Motors and Space X) have given me a naive, college-freshman-level of hope about the state of the world. Definitely enough to get through your average Monday. Call me a dreamer, but I find hope in positive environmental change. It started in college. Granted, for me, college happened in Boulder, Colorado. It’s sort of a ‘positive environmental change’ mecca. We launched all kinds of campaigns. Environmental campaigns, eradication-of-world-hunger campaigns, Earth Day campaigns, stop-cutting-down-the-rainforest campaigns, pay-more-attention-to-my-campaign campaigns,…
Word of the Day
You know that super-satisfying feeling you get when you learn a new phrase or word of the day that helps to describe a situation in life? For example: Word of the Day Examples FOMO “I hate “The Bachelor”, but I get FOMO when I don’t go to girls night” Food Baby“I can’t fit in my new dress because I’m pregnant with my food baby” First World Problems“Friend 1: Waiting for the cable guy sucks!Friend 2: Genocide sucks. Waiting for the cable guy is a total first world problem” I love discovering these words that help me to explain my life. My feelings get lonely when I can’t describe them. Today I…
How to Write a Blog: The Crisis of Fabulous
I am having a crisis about how to write a blog. Well, crisis might be a strong word. But I am having, at the least, a time of intense doubt and confusion. Like most crises, it started with good intentions. A few days ago, I typed “how to write a blog” into my google search bar. A reasonable thing to do, you might think. However, like all internet searches, it was a disaster that resulted in deep insecurities about all aspects of my life. For example, the first thing I am meant to do is “define my readership”. Oh. My. God. I can’t even define what I like…