August 26, 2019

Mid-Coast Maine: Five Fabulous Things

picture of maine

Let’s ignore for a moment that summer is ending (see related post on previous summer reflections here) and talk more about fun travel destinations. For those who’ve never been, Maine (AKA Vacationland) is split into eight regions. (Note: I’m not sure how official the ‘regions’ are, but Maine Bed and Breakfast endorsed them, so that’s good enough for me. See map.) Obviously, there’s a lot of ground to cover (and on rather local roads), so it makes sense to review the regions one by one. I’ve spent the most time in ‘Mid-Coast Maine’, the region that stretches from I-95 down to the water between Brunswick and West Penobscot Bay. I…

June 28, 2018

Cadiz: Five Fabulous Things

Summer begins with a trip to Cadiz! This year my boyfriend and I waited two whole days after work ended before absconding to the coast of Spain. We landed in Cadiz, an Andalusian town famous for it’s Teatro Falla Opera house, its Roman Catholic Cathedral and its parador hotel. Right. That stuff is awesome. We didn’t do any of it. Here is the insiders list. Five Fabulous Things to Do In Cadiz 1. Eat molletes. Different parts of Spain are famous for different breads and pastries. In Valencia it’s fartons, in Cadiz it’s molletes. Mollete is apparently Spanish for gigantic, delicious English muffin. It’s most typical to eat as many…

August 27, 2015

Summer of Gratitude

I love summer. Duh.  Everyone loves summer.  The problem is summer is ending.  For me there are 5 official days left.  I do not want to spend those days thinking “Gah! I wish I had been able to go to Singapore this year! (Seriously-read Crazy Rich Asians.  We all need to go to Singapore immediately). I want to spend these days reflecting on all the great stuff I did this summer and being grateful that I have what most American adults consider to be an absurd amount of time to travel, relax and generally do whatever I want during each year. For example… Today I took 3 hours worth of…

July 18, 2015

Saltwater Cures All Things

Boat on the saltwater

Why do we say saltwater cures all things? I have spent the last two weeks flopping between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, wondering about this idiom. Finally, I decided to do some research. My findings are below! Saltwater Cures All Things (A Scientific Evaluation…sort of) First of all, in the sea we find the endless possibilities of adventure. I’m a sucker for a good adventure. Also, there is the mysterious refreshment of a saltwater dip on a summer day. Sea salt has magnesium in it, which relaxes your muscles and allows for deep sleep. Second, in tears we find refuge and peace. This release of salt from your…

July 3, 2015

Summer Routines

the best beach is the one you're on!

Welcome to July.  What a glorious month, when time seems to actually slow down as various vacationers find their rental keys tucked under the doormat/decorative frog/whimsical and ironic hipster gnome/whatever and unlock the possibilities of the restful summer weekend. I have come to the conclusion reading over the viewing stats of RWF carefully meditating in the summer sun, that summer changes routines.  I think it’s an important concept to embrace–it helps delineate the passing of the year.  Here are some of the changes I notice in myself: Changes as I Embrace My Summer Routines 1. Coffee.   I don’t drink as much coffee in the morning during summer months.  It’s nice…

June 6, 2015

How to Beat the Heat

how to beat the heat

Here is a fun little fact I learned this weekend before I had properly considered how to beat the heat: Spanish summer heat induces panic attacks.  Most importantly, Spanish summer heat induces panic attacks in me. A friend asked me (at 9 PM, when it was safe to venture out-of-doors) if the temperature in Madrid wasn’t comparable to the heat in New York City.  I responded by glaring at her while I violently rubbed ice cubes over my wrists calmly saying I thought the type of heat must be different.  Or the weird, Franco-induced Spanish time zone must make the afternoon hotter. Or something.  Because I havenever in my life felt…

June 15, 2014

Best Summer Activities

A great summer activity

It is that time of year when we get to think about the best possible summer activities! We are officially in the land of the long and luxurious afternoon sunshine.  The race to find an activity worthy of a summer Friday has begun.  Let your imagination wash up along the shores of the Long Island coastline and dance on the rock beaches of Rhode Island.  Summer is the time to crawl out of the skin of reality and celebrate the freedom with lobster rolls and ice-cold beer. Here are some wonderful summer activity ideas to inspire your inner child. 1) Summer Lake Adventure. Having lived in the land-locked Rocky Mountain…