August 26, 2015

How to Write a Blog: The Crisis of Fabulous

Blog screen

I am having a crisis about how to write a blog.  Well, crisis might be a strong word. But I am having, at the least, a time of intense doubt and confusion.


Like most crises, it started with good intentions. A few days ago, I typed “how to write a blog” into my google search bar. A reasonable thing to do, you might think. However, like all internet searches, it was a disaster that resulted in deep insecurities about all aspects of my life.

For example, the first thing I am meant to do is “define my readership”.  

Oh. My. God.

I can’t even define what I like to eat for dinner.  What type of people do I want to read this blog?!  To be perfectly honest…I don’t know.  I spent days thinking about it.  Is this “lifestyle writing“?  Is a sarcastic sense of humor a lifestyle?  “Travel writing“?  I think I need to take much, much better pictures to qualify for a readership of travel writing.  Is there a readership category of “people who like to waste time on the internet“?  Sigh.  It seems broad, but basically was the best thing I could come up with.

Step 2: Target my writing towards my audience.  Gahhh! How am I meant to know how you like to waste your time?  More cat pictures?  Inspirational weight loss articles?  Sports statistics?  Self-involved drivel about my white-girl-blogging-life problems?  All of the above?  

All this thinking led to moderately enthusiastic drinking.  During my third glass of “blog crisis wine” I came to a few realizations:

How to Write a Blog: Realizations

1) I shouldn’t be allowed to spend more than 30 minutes a day on the internet
2) I want to write about things that I think are interesting
3) My “readership” will likely also find them interesting (or at least pretend to, because it is likely my “readership” is composed of a small circle of close and very polite friends)
4) By the standard definition I am probably bad at blogging.
5) I don’t care.

I’m bad at lots of things I think are fun.  Surfing, Spanish, rock climbing, piano, my job, being on time for things, running, having conversations about current events, dieting, drinking wine, instagram….the list goes on forever.  The point is: I enjoy these things.  I think they are fabulous.  And I am going to spend more time doing things I enjoy and less time worrying about if I am doing them correctly.

I’m off to the San Sebastian mall with my Spanish homestay mom (at least I think that is what is happening-read above where I am bad at Spanish).  Picture of the San Sebastian beach (where I go to be bad at surfing) below.



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