May 12, 2017

The Joy of Visitors

four people toasting with wine glasses

Is there any greater joy than the joy of visitors? I know house guests get a bad rap, but this week I fall firmly on the pro side. Why, you ask? This week, my dad and his girlfriend have been visiting me in Madrid.  (Hi, Dad!)  While they’ve been here, I’ve been thinking about the issue of houseguests. It’s a complicated question. Sometimes, it’s difficult to host people. When done correctly, it requires revising a regular schedule, creating interesting diversions and a lot of talking. However, for the right company it’s 100% worth it. Here’s a short list of the things I did this week while I normally would have…

April 28, 2017

Changing Routines

desks in an empty classroom

Changing routines have been on my mind this week. Why? You are dying to know! Here it is: My seniors start their IB exams today.  For them that means a three-week period of tests more difficult than most they will take in college, with an open door into of the next step of their young adult life on the other side. For me it means…..they have stopped coming to my class!! As a high school science teacher at an international school, I had 2 sections of 12th grade students.  I have been with them for the past 2 years, working through a 400 page environmental science textbook (“IB Environmental Systems and…

April 27, 2017

Spanish Cooking: Vegetarian Croquetas

hands holding dough over bowl

I have a vague obsession with Spanish cooking projects.  Note: This does not mean I am obsessed with cooking. I cook things once, just to prove I can. Then, I go back to eating take-out falafel oven-roasted vegetables for dinner until I feel “inspired to do something more complicated”. In my kitchen, complicated equates with “using more than one pan”. Over the weekend I achieved a milestone of la cucina española: my first batch of Spanish croquetas. Croquetas, or olive-oil-soaked fried dough, are a famous sort of Spanish tapas/bar food.  See the photo from for a visual, except you should imagine little vegetables where the jamon is. (Note-this may be…

March 5, 2017

Call me Home: To Sum Up a Year

white house under maple tree

Hard to believe how much time has passed since my last post.  It’s hard to sum up a year.   In no particular order, I have: 1. Undertaken a terrace gardening project2. Learned to play a simultaneous harmony and melody on the keyboard (hmmm…sort of)3. Seen a pair of mating lions in Zimbabwe4. Hiked the Eastern Coast of Mallorca (GR 221)5. Attended a wedding in Old Lyme, Connecticut6. Attended a funeral in Amherst, Massachusetts7. Watched my boyfriend pet a very friendly horse in Sardinia (see photo.  Que guapo!) 8. Caught several sizable catfish in the Okavango Delta9. Taken two advanced fiction writing classes through Gotham Writers Workshop10. Read and graded…

March 28, 2016

The Best Things About Easter

multi colored easter eggs in a brown nest sitting on the grass

Happy (late) Easter from Madrid!  After an action-packed Semana Santa in Bordeaux, I am inching back into normal routine.  We came back to a Professional Development day at school (teacher-talk for a day with no kids in the building, when you can actually get work done in what I assume imitates a normal adult environment?).  PD days are a really nice to get back to the work routine.  Today, I am writing report card comments for my students and drinking copious amounts of free coffee. Yesterday I celebrated Easter by eating vegan food and drinking detoxifying hot lemon waters (spring break in the South of France involved unsurprising, but copious,…

March 8, 2016

International Women’s Day

woman sitting on the hood of a car wearing boxing gloves

In the light of International Women’s Day, I have a confession to make.  I’m kind of old-fashioned.  Even in my Boulder, Colorado heyday of hippie-inspired activism, I could never really get behind the feminist movement. Environmentalism?  Great!Parity in education?  Totally reasonable!Universal access to health care?  What a lovely idea! I could corner strangers and harass them about the importance of those topics with the best of them. (Seriously.  I used to canvas for Greenpeace.)  But when people would try to get me talking about feminism, I would muster up and lackluster smile and say, “Mmmhmmm!” as enthusiastically as possible before making up an excuse about needing to hit the 5-day-old…

March 7, 2016

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

single cloud in a blue sky

In my young adult life ‘I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud’ was my favorite piece of poetry. Even though I teach science, sometimes I find a way to wander back to it during the course of a workday. For example: In a particularly brilliant moment of lecture in one of my science classes today, I asked my students what they were reading in English class. I wanted to make the point that analogous structures in biology are similar to analogies.  (I know!  My students were all super impressed and interested.) Sidenote:  For those of you who have not been exposed to high school vocabulary in the last 20 years:Analogous Structures:…

March 5, 2016

Casa De Campo

dirt path with green trees on either side

This morning I went for a run in the Casa De Campo.  Casa De Campo is a 7-mile stretch of park west of downtown Madrid that used to be the royal hunting ground.  It is across town from where I live and where I usually go running (Parque de Buen Retiro). This little change in location felt empowering.  First, it forced me to get on public transit for a run, something I usually consider to be a total waste of time.  But it was nice to review the metro map, examining the stops I don’t usually get off at (Madrid has three metro stops in Casa De Campo, a phenomenal…

February 26, 2016

Mindfulness at Work

mindfulness written on a card

The mindfulness topic has stayed on my mind through the day, leading to an important subcategory: Mindfulness at Work.  Here are some continued thoughts. Mindfulness At Work 1) I feel like am more mindful in my private life than in my professional life.2) That’s probably because it’s difficult to be mindful (ie aware and present for what is happening in the moment) when someone is dictating the parameters of what is important and setting the deadlines for work to be completed3) Maybe I should stop caring so much what the administrators that set deadlines think of my professional performance. To bring mindfulness into my professional life… I think I need…

February 25, 2016


neon breathe sign

Mindfulness has been a trending topic in education lately.  Like all trending topics in education, the popularity has led to much sarcastic skepticism about what it really means to be “mindful”.  There are lots of super fun internet searches involved in this! Someone with a reasonably sarcastic sense of humor (me, my boyfriend, the majority of people I choose to spend time with) can have a ton of fun debating the merits of quotes like “Mindfulness is the opposite of mindlessness” and “Spending time on purpose”. But seriously, I sort of get it. It is about being present in the moment.  That’s important.  It involves lots of deep breathing.  I…